Today marks the day of a new series on the blog. I will be featuring local inspiring businesses and artists from Montreal and surrounding area. It is a city full of artists and great personality and I am excited to share a peak into the people who make it great.

My first spotlight is of Kasey Lahue, creator of Sour Bags on Etsy and one of my oldest friends. In the 10 years I have known her, she has always been making things. Baking cookies for friends’ birthdays in high school, making personalized teddy bears and scrapbooks. And now, sitting at her dining room table with one of her sewing machines and heaps of fabrics, she makes bags in her spare time.

I visited Kasey one morning a few weeks ago in her little apartment in Dorval, an apartment we used to share as roommates 7 years ago after college. She directed me to the kitchen for a cup of coffee and then went back to the bag she had started working on before I arrived. Always the earliest riser, she often has to wait a few hours as a courtesy to her roommate before she starts waking everyone up with the sounds of her sewing machine. She dreams of one day having her own sewing room but for now, the bags (and bins) of fabric are stated away in corners of the apartment, waiting to be matched together for the next bag.

Where are you from?

Frelighsburg, QC …small town…small population and lots of boredom. I moved to Montreal in 2005.

When and why did you decide to start Sour Bags & Totes ?

At the time, in 2007, I had only been making bags for myself. Co-workers seemed to really like them and my manager suggested I join Etsy. And so began Sour Bags & Totes. My own little sweat shop at my kitchen table in a boiling hot apartment.

What inspires your work?

The thrill of piecing it all together and revving up my sewing machine after a morning coffee. If this could be what I do for the rest of my life, I would die happy. There is no greater joy than creating something, and what I create is unique.

What sets your bags apart from all the rest?

They are made from recycled materials (whether it be fabric or buttons). I don’t repeat patterns ( I don’t even have a pattern really, I eyeball it) or colors in the same style. Makes a unique bag that absolutely no one else has.

What do you love most about it?

It’s a release for me. I love creating things and feeling good about my finished product. Bags became my thing and I started stock piling fabric which was either donated or pieces that I purchased secondhand. Soon, the fabric had taken over my apartment and I love it! Matching patterns and colors to create a one of kind bag. A bag you can proudly say absolutely no one else has, that leaves me feeling good about what I’m doing.

If we asked you 10 years ago, would you imagine this is where you would be today?

I always had a knack for business, that’s been with me since I was a kid. With my craftiness and creativity, I was bound to do something similar. Bags is the one that stuck with me. The response from people has been amazing with some individuals buying up to 14 bags for themselves alone. I think that says a lot.

What’s next for sour bags?

More bags! The dream is to make it a full time gig. Anyone need a bag?

Check out Sour Bags on etsy

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Author: admin

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