cheap-1[ 9 cup Corning Ware coffee percolator ]
cheap-5[ Vintage Creuset gratin dish ]cheap-4[ Cast iron pan ]cheap-3[ Vintage tooled leather purse ]
cheap-2[ Vintage brass fly matchstick holder ]

In a perfect world, every weekend would include a trip to a (good) thrift store*. It’s just something I get so giddy about. I love taking everything home and then spreading it on the floor to bask in its glory. On Saturday we spent the morning perusing the church sale before heading up to the ski hill for the afternoon (can you say perfect day?). It wasn’t a huge haul, I didn’t find any clothing, just this vintage tooled leather bag. I did make up for it in the kitchen section though.

I have a bit of a thing for cast iron pans and that’s one of the first things I look for at the church sale because they are often there, on the floor in the corner, under a stack of pots and pans. I’m up to 7 black cast iron pans, ranging from this size to extra large and in charge. I really don’t see this collection stopping any time soon. Also, please note, I accept donations.

I also love this Corning Ware coffee percolator (in amazing condition, with all the insides intact). I leave a lot of Corning Ware dishes behind (because you can only hoard so many kitchen dishes) but I couldn’t pass up this coffee pot, I need to host a brunch so I can use it.  I picked up the brass fly because… who doesn’t love a giant brass bug, right? After a quick search to figure out its real purpose today (as opposed to Matt’s guess that the hidden compartment was for drugs) I found this item on etsy and was delighted to see it was originally a place to keep matches and the underside of the wings is made to strike the match. How fun! I’ll just use it for my drugs though (kidding mom).

I also found this Le Creuset gratin dish’s orange twin on etsy but can’t seem to find this exact item in their current products. It doesn’t help that their canadian Creuset site is down till March. I do hope that I found a piece that they no longer make, that makes it more fun.

The whole haul was about 14$. You can’t trick the old ladies at the church sale, unlike most of our generation, they know a good Corning Ware when they see it. So they let the percolator go for no less than 5$. Which I realize sounds ridiculously cheap to anyone reading this but I can usually pick up a few things for 5$. Yeah, I know… first world problems.

*I use the term ‘thrift store’ loosely: second-hand store, church sale, warehouse junk sale, garage sale… etc.

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Author: admin

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