I took 2 days off work last week and spent a long weekend in Hamilton and Hockley (in Ontario… Canada). Since I was heading up to Toronto (area) for the first ever Canadian Food Blogger’s Conference (more on that later) I figured I would kill a few birds with one stone. So I headed up a day early and spent about 24 hours with my extremely tall, gorgeous, bargain hunting Dutch friend Jentina (Yen-tina) Who – from here on out – I will refer to as Pou-tina.
The weather could not have made our lives any more difficult unless it actually threw a tornado in our path. I left sunny skies in Montreal for snow and hail in Toronto. After adventuring on the Ontario public transit system for a few hours, I ended up in Hamilton and Yen and I hid from the cold and rain eating sweet potato chips, catching up and marvelling on how short I am and how gigantic her closet is – with some cat cuddles in there too. Afterward we headed to the local watering hole to meet with Julie because being an entire foot shorter than ONE friend isn’t enough, you need to invite an even taller friend along for the ride. After a few cocktails, greasy food and some much needed lessons on how to pronounce poutine, we took a mandatory group instagram shot and said goodbye to Julie.
After lunch on Friday where we pretended to be real housewives of Hamilton (a leisurely meal in the middle of a work day!) Yen drove me through the Ice Age (sideffects of the storm) to the resort where I spent the rest of the weekend meeting fellow food bloggers, bouncing ideas and thoughts around and EATING. So much eating. (more on that later)
Now I’m back home, trying to figure out how I will go on living without having my meals, snacks, coffee, wine and bed prepared for me every day.