I had been planning for a while to make some sort of cute witty card for Matt for valentine’s day. I saved a few ideas and they had been floating around the back of my mind for a few weeks. So last night – in true Emily fashion – I finally picked one idea and took out the art supplies at 9:45pm, the night before valentine’s day. I thought I would make a quick (ha) picture with my overflowing box of art stuff.
I put Radiohead on shuffle, settled down at my little kitchen table by the lit candle and I painted, occasionally being distracted by a neurotic kitten. I often forget how addictive painting can become, how much I love spending hours listening to music and just drawing, painting, collaging. By quarter to midnight, I had to accept the imperfections and get to bed. This is always the hardest part – deciding when a project is done and accepting it as is (but that corner is too round!).
Working on fun projects like this makes me want to take out my art supplies more often – but I know that’s easier said than done. The few evenings I spend at home are usually spent comatose, binge watching old TV shows while surfing the web on my phone. It seems like an obvious choice… music & art > coma, TV and social media. But somehow technology often wins that fight, are they putting nicotine in our iphones?? Guess we’ll put this in the new years resolution bin. Maybe one evening a week dedicated to artsy stuff, without distractions.
We are celebrating V-day with some Turkish food tonight and I am so looking forward to eating at Barbounya again! I hope everyone enjoys the valentine’s day!
this is SO cute, Emily!
thank you vanessa!
Aww love it!