Sundays are sacred for me. But not in the usual sense of the word, I don’t go to church or pray. But Sunday is a day that I won’t feel guilty about spending all day in my sweat pants. It’s the day I clean up the messes in my home that accumulated all week, the dishes get done and the clothes go back on their hangers. It’s a day I spend with Bob, recuperating and binge-streaming tv shows.
Sometimes I will go out to a yoga or workout class or do groceries. But most of the time, I refuse to put clean clothes on. I feel like the productive aspect of cleaning my apartment cancels out the unproductive aspect of watching TV shows in my pyjamas all day. Since we got a(nother) snowstorm last week, I think it’s perfectly acceptable to still be in hibernation mode.
Hi Em, this is a great picture !! Love it !!
And of course your writing is great too – it is so typically ‘You’ ;)