Hello! It’s our first playlist of 2017! How is everybody doing in the first few weeks of 2017? On my side, the new year is going well so far. As I mentioned in my last post, I am going to barre workout classes a few times a week and I am really enjoying it! Kara, the owner, is an awesome person. I talked to her about my lower back pain during class and she figured out I have a tilted pelvis (anterior) so I booked a private session with her and she gave me lots of exercises and stretches to help with alignment. Anyhow, I’m super happy to be working out the problem, a good way to start out the year. Another good way to start the year was with these amazing dark chocolate zucchini buckwheat muffins. They are so freaking delicious.
So here’s hoping the rest of the year continues in the same fashion, with lots of self improvement along the way. Also, I cannot believe that in just over 5 weeks I will be on a plane crossing the ocean for the first time!!
Now on to the playlist! This one is appropriately entitled New Year, New Wave. Enjoy some throwbacks to the 80s and 90s, curtsy of my good pal Kasey of Sour Bags & Totes.